“Saturday” for many people means doing some gardening, catching up on laundry, and maybe a few home improvement projects. This past Saturday, the agenda was the same, but the venue changed. “Love Your Block” brought in huge volunteer help to beautify the area around GRIP as part of the Richmond-wide program.
With $8900 in funding, and countless hours of volunteer time, the buildings, parking lot, yards, and sidewalks around the Greater Richmond Interfaith Program’s shelter, soup kitchen, and veterans apartments got a nice sprucing up.
The motto for Love Your Block Richmond is “Beautifying Richmond, one block at a time,” and the GRIP community did it with our corner looking great thanks to so many volunteers from the community, our faith organizations, and local businesses contributing time, equipment, and supplies.
- Volunteer April Canavan (foreground) joins group to garden, paint, clean, and upgrade outside, inside, and around GRIP
- Volunteers garden, paint, clean, and upgrade outside, inside, and around GRIP
GRIP Organization and Mission
GRIP is a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic coalition of congregations from varied faiths working together as a diverse and inclusive coalition dedicated to helping those of our community in need to transition to self-sufficiency. Our mission statement: “Responding to the Call to Service, GRIP transforms the lives of homeless, hungry and disenfranchised people.” Over the years, GRIP, in keeping with its mission has evolved from a small community food pantry to a multiservice agency, which serves 15,000 homeless, hungry, and low-income consumers annually. GRIP is governed by a 15-member Board of Directors drawn from member congregations, the business community and public-sector agencies.
GRIP’s staff consists of a dedicated group of individuals who have a unique ability to establish rapport with consumers. As a result, GRIP has earned the reputation as a trusted housing and service provider with a proven track record for making inroads with individuals who have histories of chronic homelessness. GRIP, equally, is noted for being fiscally responsible and transparent in accounting practices and reporting. GRIP maintains lines of open communication with its donors, funders, and community supporters.
Each January, GRIP shares an Annual Report with multiple stakeholders at the Annual Meeting. GRIP has provided emergency shelter and housing for families since 1993. The Souper Center provides meals and basic needs to the community since GRIP’s inception in 1966. Our dedicated 41-member congregations are our front line of volunteers and support. This year, GRIP celebrates 50 years providing services to the community.
Read more about our our Services and Hours of Operation here.