by GRIP Cares | Jun 9, 2022 | blog, events, Featured, front gallery, Front Page
Hello GRIP Community! We are pleased to announce that the Harmony Walk is scheduled to be in-person this year! We are so lucky to have a group of dedicated volunteers planning this event. SAVE THE DATE: SATURDAY OCTOBER 22, 2022 from 9-2 PM at Nicholl Park [MacDonald...
by Brandon Mercer | Apr 18, 2022 | Featured, blog, events
It’s National Volunteer Week, and GRIP is ready to help you be part of this massive movement by joining us Saturday, April 23rdh, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at GRIP, the Greater Richmond Interfaith Program, at 165 22nd Street in Richmond, to beautify and clean our...
by GRIP Cares | Mar 2, 2022 | events, blog, Featured, Front Page
SAVE THE DATE! Join GRIP for our annual meeting for updates on what we’re doing, exciting changes at GRIP, a celebrity guest host, new board member nominations and some big announcements — including unveiling GRIP’s new mission statement. Sunday, March 6, 2022...
by Brandon Mercer | Nov 8, 2021 | events
Greetings congregations, organizations, volunteers and other GRIP supporters. We are in need and you are invited to sign up to help prepare and serve Thanksgiving lunch to our most vulnerable community-our homeless consumers. The GRIP kitchen/dining hall will be open...
by Brandon Mercer | Oct 4, 2021 | events, blog, Featured
Support the Greater Richmond Interfaith Program’s online Harmony Walk event where donors, like you, can walk from the comfort of your neighborhood and donate to our 35th Annual Fundraiser to End Homelessness & Eradicate Hunger! Show your participation by taking a...
by admin | Dec 9, 2020 | blog, events
A Richmond elementary school’s penny drive raised $1,900 for a local homeless shelter and services program. On Tuesday, Rachel Porzig, vice principal at Nystrom Elementary at 230 Harbour Way South, and the Rev. Andre Shumake, site coordinator for a West Contra Costa...